Space Clearing
Restore the health of your environment
Space clearings are used for environments that feel uncomfortable or are toxic. Physical, electromagnetic approach and metaphysical or shamanistic techniques that are commonly are used to clear entities, electromagnetic fields, pollution, stagnant water, entities, vortexes, portholes, negative thought forms or emotions.
What are the signs of toxicity?
- A room or space that feels uncomfortable
- Plants might have difficulty growing
- Noxious environments can cause illness, headaches, restless sleep or lack of energy
- Dyslexic symptoms can manifest: difficulty focusing, mental fatigue, lethargy, low stamina
- Tension in relationships with people living or working in the space
- People can experience illness after moving into the space
- Sleep disruption
- Negative patterns may come out of the blue to your life
What is assessed?
- Free-radical-producing toxicity which can occur from the earth, seismic activity, earth’s biomagnetic vibrations or radiations, water build-up under the structure or electromagnetic fields (EMF).
- Unhealthy Vortexes
- Portals
- Entities
- Thought Form Energy from emotional and mental residue that is built up in the air.
- Positive energies such healthy vortexes, lei lines, or beneficial Qi or life-force enerty
- Mold may also be picked up, but it cannot be cleared metaphysically.
What are the benefits of a clearing?
- TOXICITY THAT CAN EFFECT YOUR HEALTH IS CLEARED – The toxicity is cleared which can also clear up minor health issues and positively shift the way the space feels. Many clients report that they feel is a palatable difference in the way the space feels, citing that the energy in their space feels more vital and warm.
- NEGATIVE INFLUENCES ARE NO LONGER PRESENT – Negative influences are removed such as entitie(s). Portholes and unhealthy vortexes are dismantled. Clients who may have had rooms they were frightened to go in or felt an uncomfortable influence always hanging over them will immediately feel better.
- CLOGGED EMOTIONS ARE CLEARED – Thought form energies are cleared away which, take away the adverse impact they can have on your emotions and mood.
- FEEL-GOOD SPACE IS PRESENT – A harmonious, calming or feel-good quality may be present in the space.
- PROTECTION IS PUT ON SPACE – Upon request, positive energies can be implemented such as a protection on the space.
- MANIFESTATION – Upon request, Melinda Joy can work with your goals energetically by implementing special energies.
What makes the techniques Melinda Joy uses different than other space clearers?
- TRAINING – Melinda Joy has trained for seven years with renown Medicine Woman, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. Training includes how to discern the differences between the following energies: entities, residual thought forms and emotional feelings, toxic energy coming from the earth or is present in the air, as well as portals and vortexes. Additionally, Melinda Joy is able to anchor positive rays of energy that are beneficial for protection to your space, health and manifestation.
- TECHNIQUES USED – Melinda Joy uses shamanistic techniques used from her medicine wheel and earth-medicine training since 1981, Reiki, herbal, crystal, shamanistic use of directions, the rainbow and the four elements, along with, a large variety of electromagnetic land-healing approaches.
Step 1 – Shamanistic Assessment ($135 – $600) according to the size. For on-site Residential, Commercial, large estates & projects- $275/hr. Clearing assessments include a thorough evaluation of entities, free-radical-producing toxicity arising from adverse earth energies, positive or problematic vortexes, portals and thought form energies caused by a build-up of negative mental thoughts and emotional feelings.
Step 2 – Shamanistic Clearing: A flat fee will be given after assessment, if a clearing is necessary. (on average the flat rate fee is between $100 and $1,000 for residential environments). On average, the general cost may be $225 per room. Clearings may be resolved more quickly, however, most clearings are worked on every day for 3 months to make sure that the shamanistic clearing is stabilized.
Clearing fees are dependent on the complexity, type and size of property to be cleared. You may have a large property with a small clearing to be done, which may be charged less than the average room cost. You may have a small property that has toxicity throughout, which may need every room as well as the surrounding land to be cleared. Each property has its own unique characteristics to be addressed.
Step 3 – OPTIONAL – Implementation of New Energies: You may wish to introduce new energies into your property such as protection or special elements that support what you wish to manifest.
Space clearings are facilitated on or off-site by Melinda Joy Miller throughout the world. Please email her with several photographs of the exterior and interior of the space, your name and address.
Practioner’s background:
Melinda Joy began her study of geomancy and dowsing in the 1970’s. She trained for 7 years, once a month, with Moornah Simonea, a Hawaiian Kahuna, world renowned in shamanic clearing. Her expertise allows her to evaluate levels of toxicity that may be present in the land, air or space and differentiate between the many types of toxicity that may be present.
“Physical feng shui cures are 65% successful; metaphysical cures are 99.9% successful.”
— His Holiness Grandmaster Lin Yun, the Founder of Black Hat Feng Shui in America
Recent Article on Melinda Joy’s Space Clearing by Amely Greeven
Space Clearing Projects With Transformational Feng Shui & Interior Design
“I am very fortunate to have worked with Melinda Joy. Not only did I get my land cleared… plants are thriving in certain areas which hadn’t previously…she also touched me on a personal level.”
— Dana Congdon, Film editor and writer
“Thank you Melinda for the Shamanic Space Clearing. Before you started your VERY thorough work I felt stuck in my life and in my home. Without knowing what you were really doing as it was all distant clearing, I started having a lot of movement in my life. My career was picking up, there was a sense of flow which had been lacking and I began making clear decisions.”
— Meredith Reitz, Los Angeles
“The difference in the space is absolutely night and day…and anybody who comes into our home says the same.”
— Nyee Moses, Recording Artist
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